Monday 3 September 2012

Are horoscope signs really true when it comes to compatibility ...

Are horoscope signs really true when it comes to compatibility?.Dating? Friendship? Lover?
I?ve been with many signs, and there just doesn?t seem to be the right one for me. Is there any truth to the ?real? compatibility of the astrological signs?

Suggestion by puppysitupanddrools
Like the bible, it?a all mythology. No. It?s like a placebo. You can read anything into the horoscope and interpret all subsequent events in accordance with your mood, perspective a the time.

Suggestion by Ashley D
there is, but you must remember there are exceptions to every rule. plus horoscopes arent all cut and paste. you might have a virgo born near the begining or end of the dates virgo?s are born in, and they may have certain traits of the sign before them or after them. there are also planet alignments involved. plus, every once and a while you will get that person who is the complete oppisite of every thing written about what their sign is supposed to be?the best way to go about this is to go off of birthday and birth time and get a full natal chart made. i have found those are most accurate, but once again please remember there are exceptions to every rule.

Suggestion by GARY E
my opinion is that compatibility eventually covers it all, i?m a leo & i can tell if a girl is a libra or a tarus instantly. i?m not familar with the charts, but libras add so much happiness to my life as those with the sign of tarus are too much!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Libra?s and Friendship Compatibility? Stupid?
I am a Libra and my mom told me about all the signs and stuff and it?s really weird how most of the time it?s true but I?m a Libra and my horoscope thing says I?m a social butterfly? Really that?s not true. I mean I make friends easily but a lot of people don?t like me and I?m not overly popular. I don?t really like attention either. So what?s up with that. What am I missing here?

Suggestion by Tay Mom
My friend and mom is a libra, they are both picky with friends but they get along with everyone. Its weird. My friend isn?t overly popular either but she can make friends if she wanted to.

Suggestion by Aria Miller
Well as a libra I can say that I am pretty friendly at the beginning when I meet the person, but as time goes by i drift farther and farther away from them. I dont know why I dont seem to get a lot of attention, so even if I am the funniest person from my entire group of friends, I am not the most popular ?_? I think libras are just there to start the friendship and someone else just takes over and becomes a better friend to the person

Suggestion by Nicolette
your mom is wrong. Some Libra?s can be social butterflies but not all. My best friend who is a libra is def not social. She is super judgmental, picky, and cautious with people. but then again this guy who I like is a Libra and he is social, but another libra guy I know is a loser. It really depends on the person.

What do you think? Answer below!

What experiences have you had with Pisces Scorpio compatibility? Good, Bad?
I am a Scorpio female in a relationship with a Pisces guy. We?ve been together for a year now and it is so far the most amazing relationship I?ve been in. It?s like we can read each others minds, and even when we argue, we seem to come out of it happier and more understanding of each other than we were before. I looked up Scorpio Pisces compatibility and most horoscopes have good things to say, but out of curiosity I would like to get other personal experiences. What are some things to look out for? Relationships, or Friendship compatibility experiences welcome!
Please only answer if you intend on humoring my interest in astrology. I am fully aware that alot of people dont take it seriously. And trust me I?m not basing my whole relationship on it. I find it interesting and enjoy contemplating it. So please, answer seriously. And I will try to do the same for you if you have a question.

Suggestion by TroyR
A person?s birth-date or Zodiac symbol have nothing to do with the compatibility of any two people.
Astrology is a made up scam to get money from gullible people.

Suggestion by Sweetheart

Suggestion by Shelley L
Scorpios and Pisces are known to have some of the strongest connections, actually. And, I believe it. I?m a Scorpio and I?ve been married to my Pisces for almost 17 years, after only dating for 3 months! We just knew and went for it. In addition, my best friend is a Pisces, too. We just get each other.

Give your answer to this question below!


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